(^) Les fleurs du mal: DATURA STRAMONIUM, 5/6 (Valencia, Spain)

(^) Les fleurs du mal: DATURA STRAMONIUM, 5/6 (Valencia, Spain)

Datura stramonium, known by the common names Jimson weed or datura is a plant in the Solanaceae (nightshade) family, which is believed to have originated in the Americas, but is now found around the world.

All parts of Datura plants contain dangerous levels of the tropane alkaloids atropine, hyoscyamine and scopolamine which are classified as deliriants, or anticholinergics. There is a high risk of fatal overdose amongst uninformed users, and many hospitalizations occur amongst recreational users who ingest the plant for its psychoactive effects.

In June 2004, in Valencia, a Danish citizen has been arrested for sharing a drink offering as “liquid witch” and that it was actually jimsonweed, prompting the entry of five youths in several hospitals in Valencia. One of them was in a coma and four others suffered delusions and hallucinations.