I had been invited to take part on SNACKS show in a big chinese museum, with some nice friends as Lolo, Sosaku and Boris Hoppek, amount others. I thought these should be a great opportunity to test some new experiments. JA JA JA !!!! [ villain laugh ]

So I was wondering if it´s possible to paint a big mural and avoid spectacularization claws? It´s possible to get closer to life itself? On the street, it seems to be “easier”. Even if we live on a spectacle society that reach every shape around us, street (on its poetical meaning) get to keep its own freedom and scape from social spectacularization. Lovers, inmigrants, travelers, mad people, teenagers, artists, dreamers, outsiders,… interact in the street and make it an “autonomus zone” where everything can happend… So when I paint narrative images on the street, these images interact with life fading away from an art perspective. Even if these images could be captured in photos and submitted as art images on books and magazines, I feel that its interaction with pedestrians will be in life terms and not in spectacle terms. I mean… life is life.

Iit´s possibe to produce life in the museum? How manage to make something inside without the limitation of art (spectacle)? My challenge was not to enter life in the museum (that will probably been immediatly neutralized because of the stage), but maybe the opposite: How to extract life from the museum itself? Museums are pervert machines that turn life on art, as theatres, as medias…. But museum itself, as a machine, is not art. It´s just a tool, a stage, an intermediary, just the mechanism to build spectacle. Lets try to make advantage from limitations, trying to erase frontiers between life and spectacle.

So I found this little Fire PLan that was posted on every little corner in the museum. I don´t understand exactly what it says, but surely something really interesting that would be necesary to know in case of fire. Lets reproduce it bigger to make the museum a safer place. Just in case!

“Fire plan” try to work on those points. Searching references from the museum itself to paint a big mural, playing the limits between what is and what isn´t. What is an exibition and what isn´t an exibition? Where are the limits between the stage and the representation? Where are the limits between life and art. Put on the stage a detail from the own stage, as show on a film the cameras with which the film have been recorded. “Signalize the stage up on the stage” is a test to “sterilize” the museum itself and extract life from him. A test that, as supposed, have been a failure, a big funny nice failure.

85. LA MARSEILLAISE / Lons Le Saunier, France

Just to finish, we made this mural to tribute the birds that live in the roof of this wall and  sing something similar to “LA MARSEILLAISE”. Really typical french birds.

Pour finir, nous avons peint de mur en hommage aux oiseaux qu´habitent dans le toit de ce mur et qui chantent quelquechose de proche a “LA MARSEILLAISE”. Des vraies oiseaux tipiquement français, seminars on logistics.

86. LINUX / Lons Le Saunier, France

Last residency had been in Lycee Le Corbusier, a Lons le Saunier. With the students, we had the chance to interven on the wall of this building, whose owner is the president from a little organization that fight for the preservation of savage Lynx. Against ilegal hunters that kill these little big cats just because they eat the same animals that hunters like to hunt. Lets hunt the hunters, save LINUX.

La derniére residence fut au Lycée Le Corbusier, à Lons le Saunier. Avec les étudiants, on a eu l´opportunité d´intervenir dans le mur de ce batiment, dont le propriétaire est le president d´une petite organization qui lutte pour la preservation du Lynx sauvage, sales training. Contre les chasseurs illegaux qui tuent ces petits grands chats que parcequ´ils mangent les mêmes animaux que les chasseurs cherchent de chasser. Chassons les chasseurs, sauvons LYNUX.

87. BOXES / Besançon, France

This last wall on the CFA, was painted on the wall from cars reapirement specialisation. Emmanuel Dumont and its students made the whole paint process for this car. Bravo!

Ce dernier mur au CFA, fut peint sur le mur de la specialité de reparations d´automobiles. C´est Emmanuel Dumont et ces éléves qu´on fait tout le procés de peinture de la voiture. Bravo!

88. CHOCOLAT CARRÉ / Besançon, France

CFA it´s a primary school where students learn directly specific jobs as bakery or so on. Just thinking how with particular things you can reach global thinks. By the way, bakery can be a great job to learn mathematics.

Chocolate x chocolate = square chocolate (or chocolate square)

Le CFA est un lycée oú les éléves apprénnent directement des travaux specifiques comme la patisserie et similaires. Juste je pensait de quelle façon les petites choses et les grandes affaires sont connectés. par le moment, la boulangerie pourrait étre un juste metier pour apprendre mathématiques.

Chocolat x Chocolat = Chocolat carré  (et même carré de chocolat)

89. LE PEN / Besançon, France

This wall belongs too to the CFA. It´s important not to paint about politics inside a school to don´t influence future generations on its own way to thought. So maybe it´s ok to paint something popular.

Also knew as “Baguette”, “Le Pen” is something tipicall from France, althought if we can found it on a similar way almost in all Europe.

Ce mur appartient aussi au CFA. C´est important de ne pas parler de politique dans une école pour ne pas influencer les futures generations dans leur façon de réfléchir. Alors peutêtre c´est bien de peindre quelquechose de populaire.

Aussi connu sous e nom de “Baguette”, “Le Pen” est quelquechose de trés français, même si l´on y retrouve de trés similaire presque dans toute l ´Europe.

( merçis aux éléves du CFA Hilaire de Chardonnet qu´on colaboré dans la realisation de ce mur )

90. BIENVENUE! / Besançon, France

Some months before I´ve been invited from my friends of Juste Içi to take part in some residencies in primary schools around the area of Franche Compté. After several workshops with the students I get the opportunity to paint some murals.

This façade is the welcome center from CFA Hilaire de Chardonnet. Paint a big door in a wellcome center sounds kind of a good and easy solution for the wall. Obviously there isn´t any possible reference to the current political situation of Europe. Just someone opened the big door.

Il y a quelques mois je fus invitée par mes amis de Juste Içi pour participer à des résidences dans des écoles primaires autour de la région de Franche Comté. Après plusieurs ateliers avec les étudiants, j´eu la possibilité de peindre quelques peintures murales.

Cette façade apartient au centre d´accueil du CFA Hilaire de Chardonnet. Peindre une grande porte ouverte dans un centre d´accueil pourrait etre une bonne solution pour le mur. Evidemment il n´y a aucune reférence a la politique actuelle de l´Europe. Il y a juste quelqu´un qu´a ouvert la grande porte.